Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sundays L.E.R.......

Low effort riding that is........ couldn't get out til after 1:00 on Sunday so I missed the regular ride and went out on my own. I was kind of glad to miss the ride because not only did I need a low effort workout but It has been a long time since I have just gone out by myself.

Riding with the group is allot of fun but riding alone allows you just to particular destination or pace, and nobody to talk to. It also gives you time to reflect. I guess that it doesn't necessarily mean that you wont have any conversation though. I most often find myself praying or just talking to the lord. As a christian I am as guilty as anybody for not spending enough time in prayer.Now I have made much improvement,but i believe that we all fall short in this area of our lives and that we should always seek ways or time to make it a part of our daily life.

I rode for about 2 hours and had a really nice time.

Still Hunting......................

Went hunting on Monday usual I got there later than I wanted but had a pretty good hunt. Saw a small buck on my way in and rattled in a small six pointer that spent a good 10 minutes under my stand. I don't know if I will hunt any more weekday evenings though, getting up at 3:00 am every day for work and staying up until 9:30 pm is starting to wain on me. I guess we do turn the clocks back next week though, and it will be getting dark earlier so maybe I will continue.

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